Mount Vernon Gazette

Mount Vernon Gazette


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Great Places According to Dogs

Volunteers and staff of Fairfax County Animal Shelter share their favorite dog-friendly places

Great Places According to Dogs

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Remembering the Victims

16 local lives lost in terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001

16 local lives lost in terrorist attacks on 9/11/2001

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New Mount Vernon Police Commander Invites a Partnership

New Mount Vernon Police Commander Invites a Partnership

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Supervisors Approve New Requirements for Data Centers

Stricter standards elicit reactions during and after vote.

On Sept. 10, following extensive community engagement efforts that helped shape the final recommendations presented to the Planning Commission and the Board of Supervisors, the Board approved the long-awaited Data Center Zoning Ordinance by a vote of 8-2.

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Fairfax County Is Growing - The 2023 Demographic Reports

Have you ever wanted to know more about who and what make Fairfax County such a unique place to live? Each year, the County produces demographic reports and puts them on the County website with helpful charts and graphics.

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Can U.S. Citizens Experiencing Homelessness Vote?

Registering with no fixed address.

Registering with no fixed address.

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County Clears Two Homeless Encampments

Addressing encampments humanely to address needs.

Addressing encampments humanely to address needs.

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W&OD Railroad Trails marks 50 Years

W&OD Railroad Trails marks 50 Years

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Bats – Superheroes of the Night

As dusk fell on a recent bat walk, these nocturnal aerialists zipped about above the trail seeming to streak by every 30 seconds.


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Dominion Energy & Park Authority Connect to Help Ospreys

Nest box platforms installed at Laurel Hill Park

Nest box platforms installed at Laurel Hill Park

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Reston Encampment To Be Shut Down Sept. 10

County officials don’t answer the tough questions.

County officials don’t answer the tough questions.

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The Legacy of Race-based Covenants

3 practices that created housing inequity: racial covenants; zoning; and limited access to mortgages based on race.

Some real estate developers and others selling property in Northern Virginia from 1900 through the 1960s used race-based, restrictive covenants to maintain segregation, and Virginia’s state and local governments were enablers at times, Dr. Krystyn Moon, University of Mary Washington history professor told a packed room of 120 on August 27 at the Sherwood Regional Library.

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Prison Reform Takes Long, Tortuous Path

Del. Hope advocates for more humane conditions for incarcerated people.

Del. Patrick Hope (D-47) spearheaded legislation this session that creates a state ombudsman over the Department of Corrections.

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Via Veneto’s New Owners To Keep Favorite Dishes

40 years of history with a devoted following.

That's a spicey meatball!

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New Water Fountain on the Mount Vernon Trail

New water fountain
