Mount Vernon: Embark Richmond Highway Community Meeting Set for May 9

Mount Vernon: Embark Richmond Highway Community Meeting Set for May 9

“Embark Richmond Highway” is the long-term project for expanding and diversifying transportation and development along the Richmond Highway Corridor. It resulted from the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) study of Route 1 transportation needs, the recommendations from which Fairfax County Board of Supervisors endorsed 11 months ago.

Fairfax County representatives will hold an informational community meeting on Embark May 9 at Walt Whitman Middle School in Alexandria.

In addition to a formal presentation, Supervisors Jeff McKay (D-Lee) and Dan Storck (D-Mount Vernon) will speak, followed by an open house discussion in the school cafeteria with county staff who are working on the project.

Goals of Embark Richmond Highway include implementing a Bus Rapid Transit System running along dedicated lanes on Route 1 from Huntington Metro to Fort Belvoir, and then extending the Yellow Line Metrorail to Hybla Valley.

“The county will focus primarily on planning for walkable, urban-style mixed use development in the vicinity of the future transit stations,” a release from the Fairfax County Department of Transportation said, “with the goal of creating vibrant, active communities where people can live, work, shop and play — all with easy access to transit.”

The May 9 Embark Richmond Highway community meeting is scheduled to take place from 7 to 9 p.m. at Walt Whitman Middle School, 2500 Parkers Lane in Alexandria.

For more information on Embark Richmond Highway, visit or call Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning at (703) 324-1380, TTY 711.