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The Message is not the Median: Fairfax Roadsides Now Free of Political Speech

New law cracks down on political signs in public rights of way; $100 fine for violators.

Here’s a sign of the times for campaign 2012 — the roadsides in Fairfax County are almost completely free of political speech.

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Fairfax County: Republicans Celebrate the Victorious

And honor the defeated

Supervisor John Cook (R-Braddock) said he much preferred this night to the one when he was elected to his first term. A close race with his opponent meant waiting around until late into the evening. This year, Cook defeated Democrat Janet Oleszek by a more handy margin of about six percent of the vote.

Reject the Meals Tax

“A closer look at school spending shows the intentions of the School Board are to delve into more political correctness and social engineering.”

A “no” vote will send a message to the county Board of Supervisors that higher taxes should not be routine, and that county leaders must focus on better management, and more importantly, the School Board, more efficiency, and greater respect for taxpayers.

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Reston Association Chooses New CEO

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP